Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Outreach in the schools and community

Pictures will be posted when possible!

Outreach to the communities and schools has been gaining steam recently. The youth have started to trust us and are much more open and also willing to share during our discussions. They were even so bold as to ask that we teach on reproductive/sexual health and human rights for our last talk this Friday. It will be sad to see them off, but most of the group are borders and therefore must go back to school.

Youth pic

The school outreach is something that Danielle and I have decided to format a little on our own. The current structure is based on going into the school teaching one day and then leaving. We felt that this excludes a large portion of the school since only so many classes can be combined. Additionally this leads to a large variety of topics that are taught to a variety of levels, leading to confusion in what to teach when the next group of volunteers arrive.


Our plan is to spend one week at each school teaching 2 levels a day. Therefore all the classes from Primary 1 to JSS 3 can be taught. The primary schools will be taught hand washing, tooth brushing, and the upper levels will be taught nutrition. The JSS students will be taught nutrition and environmental sanitation. Danielle and I will also be keeping formal records (since we are both ODC about organization) and will make sure that both Proworld and HEPENS maintains a copy for future volunteers. We hope this will bring some clarity and also establish a standard for the school outreach programs for HEPENS.

With that said, here are some pictures of the kids, us, and the teachers at the Tuwohofo-Holly International School where we have been teaching for the past week!

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