Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Trip to Accra

Accra was an interesting weekend. The trip there was delayed. Our STC bus was a little late, only an hour, so not so bad... Lauren and Mckell set out on the early morning STC on Thursday. Danielle and I took the 3pm STC (which didn't leave till 4pm) and then Micheala and Kirsty took a Ford Van a little after 3pm. The trip was actually nice since we had AC (which dripped, a lot). The guy next to me, Kofi, works for a mining company and also a media company. He loves Obama and hopes he is reelected (so does every Ghanaian. When you say you are from the USA they say "oh, Obama land!" the girls then add "and Michelle") We had a long discussion about politics and Michael Jackson and music. I tried to be as diplomatic and non-committal as possible. He does however approve of my music choices of classic rock and jazz.

We arrived at 7:30pm and found a taxi with the help of a local who was waiting for a bus. The driver tried to swindle us for 20 cedis!!! (we paid 8 for the 2 of us to get to Accra with AC). We talked him down to 10 and then went on our way. We dropped another women on the way so we literally drove from the west side of Adabraka to the east side of Osu then north trough Cantoments to the airport. There was traffic and it took 45 minutes, so i guess it was good we paid what we did but still, that is insane! Kirsy and Micheala beat us there even though we arrived in Accra first!

The airport was an interesting adventure. They don't let you into departure unless you have a ticket for departing. We just wanted to see Lauren and eat dinner. We therefore told the first guard we are going to the US. Which is true in 2 months. We then told the second the truth and that we would be be in the restaurant and then back within an hour and he let us in after telling us to bring him some food :)

We had a simple dinner, rice and soda (airport food is expensive) and chatted with Lauren until 8:30 when she had to go through security to catch her plane. Departing (or what we saw of it) is much nicer than incoming. It seems more orderly as well... As we said goodbye it seemed very unreal and that it was likely we would see Lauren again on Tuesday at Fante. However, we will all keep in touch!

We all spent the night at the Mormon temple in Accra. We were allowed to stay in the Guest house with Mckell, since she and Lauren had stayed the night before. It cost 2 cedis a person, which saved all of our budgets for the weekend. Everything in Acrra is expensive! The temple was beautiful and the room was amazing. I was shocked that we had AC, were provided with water, and there were laundry facilities! We all stayed awake talking, but slept well and awoke early, as normal.

We spent the day in Osu, a less crowed but very friendly part of town. We started the day by walking up and down the street chatting with venders until the shops and restaurants opened. Kirsty haggled for a bag, Danielle bought a bracelet, and I bought a wrap bracelet for Zoe (guess the color...)

We then checked out a clothing boutique, all made to order of course (read as expensive!). We then had breakfast at Frankie's which was on the second floor and very nice. They have a bakery downstairs so i went with a chocolate croissant and coffee. The bill for this was 7 cedis (so around 5 USD) and i was annoyed since the bakery in souderton's is better and i would have never been charged 3 USD for a black coffee! However, it was a pleasant way to start the day and it tasted great, so the complaints are minimal.
We set out on a shopping hunt after breakfast. Our first stop was the Vidya Bookstore which had shelves and western books! Danielle actually bought an African fable that was an illustrated children's book. Kirsty bought a few more western novels for her and the office so that worked well as well.

We then walked back up the street and stopped at Global Mama's. It is a fair trade shop that teaches women a craft and then sells the goods at a fair return. The store sells everything from clothing, ties, and bibs, to trinkets, earrings, and full table settings. We had fun looking around and we purchased a few small items. Everyone plans to drag their parents there once they arrive so that larger items can be purchased with consent... :)

Our final stop was the Koala supermarket:

The cute sign was nice, but the inside was better. It is a real grocery store! Danielle bought some twix bars and the others got cookies and the other random things we are all missing.

We saw a lot more just driving through town on our way to different places.

Football stadium:

Ministry of Defense:

Presidential Palace:

And we also drove by most of the embassies. At least I now know where to run to if there is an international incident...  :)

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