Thursday, December 2, 2010


The last week I spent in Africa was a sad one. I had to say goodbye as i went.

Monday- Abura Medical Lab

The lab was very happy to receive the soap and sharps containers that i provided as my goodbye and thank you gifts. They were sad to see me go and asked when i would be back again. I will miss them! Especially Daniels and Lidia, since they were my favorites!

Tuesday- Antwikwaa


My last trip to the village was a bitter sweet. We brought them all of the medical supplies that we promised on Tuesday with Mckell's parents. Mckell and I then trained the whole village on what each item was to be used for and then informed them that Mckell would be training specialists in order to make sure that the care is the best it can be. Before we left Mckell and I each had to treat one of the villagers and also council a few others on their medical concerns.

The woman I took care of sliced her hand open with a machete and had then treated it with herbal medicine. Her right hand was about 3x the size of her left. So i used a large number of alcohol wipes cleaning the wound and then smeared it with antiseptic and bandaged it. The lady Mckell treated took a chunk out of her finger. Half of her fingernail was missing and the skin was missing down to the bone. This wound took longer to clean since the herbs were packed down in. It required some digging and lots of alcohol which stung. Once it was clear antiseptic and bandages were applied again. We had to explain that the bandages need to be changed everyday, which they agreed to do. We also explained that they need to keep the wound clean, which hopefully able to do with all the supplies we have provided.

In addition we have a price list for each item. The cost is negligent but it makes the project sustainable. Each person therefore should only use what they need, and items can be replaced after they are used. Overall the village was thrilled and were happy with the price after we explained the sustainability aspect. They feed us coconuts and stayed with us until we left. Each blessed me with wishes for a safe journey and prayers for my return to them some day.

I also had to say goodbye to Sammie our translator (everyone speaks Twi) and friend. He will be missed, but I hope that he can still help the village while we are not there!

Wednesday- Everyone in town!
Susan- Head of Abanzee

Kwami- Our favorite Taxi Driver

Lawrence- Baobab's chef/host

Lilly- Wonderful Seamstress

Franchesca- Bead lady!

Ike- Our favorite internet cafe owner!

Lawrence- Proworld member & friend

Elizabeth- Danielle's mom

Ekuwa- the fruit lady!
Felix- My guy friend at the Castle :)

All wonderful people that i will miss terribly! :(

Thursday- Women's Group & Mckell

My Thursday evening was spent teaching cancer to our women's group. We covered liver and cervical cancer which are huge issues in Africa. We also covered lung cancer, which is in low occurrence because smoking is frowned upon in Africa. And pancreatic cancer since it is on the rise. I said goodbye to the women which was awful but funny since i said it in English and got no response, then Maggie translated and everyone breaks out in words. They all told me they were so glad that i had come and that i should stay and they would keep me and they blessed my journey home and welcomed me back again some day.

I then spent a few hours will Mckell and her family since they were going to a beach resort for the weekend and i was getting on an airplane, so i would not be seeing them again. We simply sat and chatted and shared photos with one another. Mckell's family was great and it was very nice to meet them. I will miss her dearly and plan on visiting Utah asap to see her and her family again!

Friday- HEPENS

I had to say goodbye to the HEPENS team of Nicholas, Maggie, John, Benedict, and Jerome. It will be hard to not wake up every morning and have something to do for them! I am used to seeing them all the time... The goodbye was very formal. Nicholas presented me with a laminated award and a piece of Kente which is beautiful! I will miss them all terribly...

Saturday- My Family!

Saying goodbye to my family, Matilda, Daniel, Tony, Elizabeth, and Adriana, was the worst. I cried as I said goodbye to Matilda and the girls. I am not sure what to think other than the fact that i want to go back, NOW.

Sunday- Danielle, Kirsty, Micheala

I said goodbye to Kirsty & her mom, and Micheale & her mom and dad, and Daniele at the airport. We were all together since we all had flights at the same time. Micheale's mom and dad were Delta at 9:30, I was United at 11:15 and Kirsty's mom was British Airways at 11:30. So we all waited in the airport together, which was great! Everyone cried in the end though... We were all sad to be parted in the end! :(

It sucked each and every time I had to say goodbye. I was probably the worst off saying goodbye to the village and my family. I will be able to keep in touch with my family which makes it easier, but not the village... I just want to go back to be with all these people again!

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